Food Pantry at Austell First UMC

Food Pantry is available during office hours 10 am to 1 pm Monday thru Thursday

During office hours 10 am to 1 pm Monday thru Thursday, a compassionate initiative unfolds in the heart of Chapel’s parking lot, providing a lifeline to those in need within the community. The Food Pantry, a benevolent effort orchestrated by dedicated volunteers, opens its doors from 10 am to 1 pm, offering a crucial source of sustenance and support to individuals and families facing food insecurity. The bustling activity in the parking lot transforms into a haven of generosity and solidarity as people from all walks of life converge to access essential provisions. Shelves are stocked with a variety of nutritious items, ranging from canned goods and fresh produce to pantry staples, ensuring that every visitor receives not only sustenance but also dignity. This monthly gathering symbolizes the power of community coming together, exemplifying the compassion and empathy that define Chapel as a beacon of hope for those navigating challenging circumstances.