
The youth in the AFUMC play a vital and vibrant role within the faith community. They bring energy, enthusiasm, and a fresh perspective to the church’s activities and ministries. The AFUMC recognizes the importance of nurturing and empowering young people in their spiritual journeys, providing them with opportunities for growth, leadership development, and service. Youth groups and programs are designed to foster meaningful relationships, cultivate faith, and promote social justice. Through engaging worship services, Bible studies, retreats, and outreach initiatives, the youth actively participate in the life of the church, bringing their unique gifts and passions to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. With their unwavering commitment to living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, the youth embody hope, compassion, and a deep desire to make a positive impact on the world around them.

Young Married Couples!

Join our dynamic community of young adults and parents in their 20s and 30s who are committed to deepening their faith and providing mutual support through prayer, studies, and engaging events. Our interactive lessons center around the transformative power of scripture and its relevance in our everyday lives. Beyond the classroom, we come together for social gatherings and service opportunities, actively contributing to the betterment of our community. You are invited to join us every Sunday from 1:00pm to 2:00pm. For further details, please reach out to Rev. Dorcas Rodriguez at We eagerly anticipate connecting with you and embarking on this enriching faith journey together.


We are excited to share the wonderful news that the church is once again offering scholarships to support our members who are embarking on their college journey in the upcoming fall of 2023 or who are already pursuing higher education. These scholarships aim to alleviate the financial burden and provide assistance to deserving individuals within our faith community. By investing in their academic pursuits, we hope to empower our members to achieve their educational goals and contribute positively to society. If you or someone you know meets the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to apply for this opportunity to receive invaluable support as you continue your educational endeavors.