Spanish Bible Study

Every Thursday at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm

In Chapel Building 

Embarking on a culturally rich exploration of faith, Austell First United Methodist Church extends a warm invitation to join the Spanish Bible study every Thursday at 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Nestled within the tranquil confines of the Chapel Building, this weekly gathering offers a unique opportunity for Spanish-speaking members of the congregation to delve into the scriptures in their native language. As the clock strikes 7:30, the chapel resonates with the vibrancy of shared faith and cultural connection. Participants will engage in thoughtful discussions, reflections, and mutual support, creating a space where the teachings of the Bible are explored through a bilingual lens. This Thursday evening Spanish Bible study is more than a meeting; it’s a celebration of diversity, fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth within the Austell First United Methodist Church. All are welcome to partake in this enriching journey of faith and fellowship.